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Verses and hadith about the subject of salam

Verses and hadith about the subject of salam

The verses and hadiths related to the subject of salam are given here together with their sources.



verses about salutation

Surat an-Nisa, verse 86: When you are greeted with a greeting, greet with a better one or respond with the same. Undoubtedly, Allah is the One Who takes full account of everything. 

Surat an-Nisa, verse 94: O you who believe, when you take a step in the way of Allah (go to war), do the necessary research and do not say to the one who greets you (according to the Islamic tradition): “You are not a believer,” by being willing for the transience of worldly life. The real booty is with Allah, you were like this before; God has blessed you. So make it very clear. Surely, Allah is Aware of what you do. 


Surah An’am, verse 54: When those who believe in our verses come to you, say to them: “Peace be upon you. Your Lord has ordained mercy upon Himself that whoever among you commits an evil act out of ignorance, then repents and corrects (himself), surely, He is Forgiving, Merciful.” 

Surah Araf, verse 46: There are men on a barrier and bastions (A’raf) who recognize them all by their faces. They will say to those who will enter Paradise: “Peace be upon you”, which are those who have not entered yet, but “desire and hope”. 

Surah Yunus, verse 10: Their prayers there are: “O Allah, How Great are You” and their wishes for well-being there are: “Salam”; And the end of their prayers is: “Truly, all praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds.” 

Surah Hud, verse 48: “O Noah” was said. “Get down (from the ship) with our greetings and blessings upon you and the nations that are with you. We will also benefit the (other infidels who will descend from you) ummahs, then a painful torment will touch them from Us.” 


Surah Hud, verse 69: When our messengers came to Abraham with good news; “Hi” they said. He said: “Hi” (and) immediately brought a roast calf without delay. 

Surah Ra’d, verse 24: “Peace be upon you for your patience. How beautiful is the end of the (world) country (un).” 

Surah Ibrahim, verse 23: Those who believe and do good deeds will be admitted to Gardens under which rivers flow, where they will abide forever, by the permission of their Lord. The wishes of well-being to each other there are: “Salam”. 

Surah Hijr, verse 52: When they entered him, they said “Salam”. He said: “We are afraid of you”. 

Surat an-Nahl, verse 32: When the angels take their souls with beauty, they say: “Greetings to you”. “Enter Paradise for what you have done.” 

Surah Maryam, verse 15: Peace be upon him; the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he will be re-raised alive. 


Surah Maryam, verse 33: “Peace be upon me; The day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be re-raised alive.” 

Surah Maryam, verse 47: (Abraham said): “Peace be upon you, I will ask forgiveness of my Lord for you, for He is very gracious to me.” 

Surah Maryam, verse 62: They do not hear “an empty word” in it; only salute (they hear). Morning and evening, their sustenance is there. 

Surah Taha, verse 47: “Go to him and say: We are the messengers of your Lord, send the Children of Israel with us and do not punish them (no more). We have come to you with a verse from your Lord. Peace be upon those who follow the guidance.” 

Surat an-Nur, verse 27: O you who believe, do not enter houses other than yours, by establishing closeness (without permission) and greeting (the people of the house). This is better for you; I hope you will take advice and think. 

Surat an-Nur, verse 61: There is no difficulty for the blind, no difficulty for the lame, and no difficulty for the sick; There is also for you, whether you eat from your own houses, your fathers’ houses, your mothers’ houses, your brothers’ houses, your sisters’ houses, your uncles’ houses, your aunts’ houses, your uncles’ houses, your aunts’ houses, the houses of your aunts, the keys of which you have (the places) or your friends (the houses). there is no difficulty. There is no sin if you eat together or separately. When you enter houses, greet each other as a wish for a blessed and beautiful life from Allah. This is how Allah explains the verses to you, hopefully you will use your intellect. 

Surah Furqan, verse 63: The servants of that Most Merciful (Allah) walk humbly on the earth, and the ignorant people say “Peace” when they are dealing with them. 

Surah Furqan, verse 75: Here they are rewarded with rooms (in the most favorite place of Paradise) in return for their patience, and they are greeted there with wishes of well-being and greetings. 

Surat an-Naml, verse 59: He said: “Praise be to Allah and peace be upon His chosen servants. Is Allah better or what they associate with him?” 

Surah al-Qasas, verse 55: When they hear the ’empty and useless word’, they turn away from it and say: “What we have done is ours, what you have done is yours; Peace be upon you, we do not adopt the ignorant.” 

Surah Ahzab, verse 44: On the day they will meet Him, their wish for well-being is “Peace”. And He has prepared for them a superior reward. 

Surah Ahzab, verse 56: Surely, Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe, pray to Him and greet Him with complete submission. 

Surah Yasin, verse 58: There is also a verbal “Peace” to them from the Most Merciful Lord. 

Surah Saffat, verse 79: Peace be upon Noah in the worlds. 

Surah Saffat, verse 109: Peace be upon Abraham. 

Surah Saffat, verse 120: Peace be upon Moses and Aaron. 

Surah Saffat, verse 130: Peace be upon Ilyas. 

Surah Saffat, verse 181: Peace be upon those who were sent (prophet). 

Surah Zumer, verse 73: Those who fear their Lord were sent to Paradise in groups. When they finally got there, its gates were opened, and their (heaven) keepers said to them: “Peace be upon you, you have been welcomed and clean. Enter it as the eternal ones.” 

Surah Zuhruf, verse 89: Now you ‘turn away from them without heeding’ and say: ‘Peace’. Now they will know. 

Surah Zariyat, verse 25: Behold, when they entered him, they said: “Greetings”. He said: “Hi”. “A foreign community (about which I have no knowledge).” 

Surat al-Waqia, verse 26: Only one word (they hear:) “Greetings, greetings.” 

Surat al-Waqia, verse 91: Now, greetings from the “Companions of Oath”. 

Surat al-Struggle, verse 8: Those who are barred from ‘whispers of secret meetings’ (backstage) and then return to what they were barred from; Do you not see those whispering (among them) sin, enmity, and disobedience to the Prophet? When they come to you, they greet you as Allah greets you. And they said to themselves: “What if Allah punishes us for what we say?” they say. Hell is enough for them; they will enter there. Now, what a bad place to go. 





846  Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Asi Radiyallahu anhümâ said:
A man, Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to:
– Islam, which feature is better, she asked? The Messenger of  God said :
“It is to feed you food and to greet everyone you know and do not know 
Bukhari, Iman 20; Isti’zan 9, 19; Muslim, Iman 63. See also. Abu Dawud, Adab 131; Nesai, Iman 12

847.  According to what was narrated from Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anh, the Prophet said:
“When Allah created Adam, sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, he said:
– Go greet those sitting angels and listen to how they will respond to your greeting. ; because that will be the greeting of you and your children, he said. Adam
said to the angels: – As-Salamu alaikum. Angels:
– As-Salamu aleyke and rahmatullah, they replied. They added “ve rahmatul-lah” to his greeting. ”
Bukhari, Anbiya 1; Isti’zan 1; Muslim, Paradise 28

848.  Abu Umare Bara Ibn Âzib radiyallahu anhümâ said: The
Messenger of Allah ( pbuh ) ordered us to do seven things: visiting the sick, attending a funeral, wishing well for the sneezing, helping the weak, helping the oppressed, making the greeting common, and taking an oath of oath. to ensure its fulfillment.
Bukhari, Mazalim 5; Muslim, Libas 3. Also. see Tirmidhi, Edeb 45; Nesai, Cenaiz 53

849.  According to what was narrated from Abu Huraira radiyallahu anh, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
“You will not enter Paradise unless you believe; You cannot have faith unless you love one another. Shall I tell you something you’ll love each other when you do? Spread the salam among you. “
Muslim, Iman 93. See also. Abu Dawud, Adab 131; Tirmidhi, Isti’zan 1; Ibn Majah, Muqaddimah 6, Adab 11

850.  Abu Yusuf Abdullah Ibn Salaam Radiyallahu Anh said:
I am the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam:
“O people! Spread the greeting, have food, maintain your relations with your relatives and help them. Pray while people are sleeping. In this way, you will enter Paradise in peace.” I heard him say.
Tirmidhi, Doomsday 42. See also. Ibn Majah, Residence 174, Et’ime 1

851.  Tufeyl Ibn Ubayy Ibn Ka’b comes to Abdullah ibn Umar and says that this would come with him to the mall. Tufayl continued his words as follows: When
we went to the bazaar, Abdullah would definitely greet anyone who was selling old goods, valuable goods, poor or anyone else. One day, I came to Abdullah Ibn Umar again. He asked me to be his friend to go to the market. He said to her:
– What will you do in the bazaar? You are not competent in shopping, you do not ask about the prices of goods, you do not want to buy anything, you do not sit in the chat rooms in the bazaar? “Sit here and let’s talk together,” I said. Then Abdullah said:
– O Abu Batn! -Tufayl addressed him like this because he was a big-bellied person- We only go to the market to greet; We also greet the people we meet, he replied.
Malik, Muwatta’, Salam 6

852.  Imran Ibn Husayn radiyallahu anhuma said:
A man came to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and said :
– As-Salamu alaikum. Hz. After the Prophet returned his greeting in the same way, the man sat down. The Prophet (peace be upon
him) said : – He earned ten rewards. Then another man came and he said:
– As-Salamu aleykum ve rahmatullah. Our Prophet responded with the same greeting he gave him. That person took his seat. Hz. The Prophet said:
“He earned twenty rewards”. Later, another man came and said:
– As-Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Hz. The Prophet replied to that person with the same greeting. That person took his seat. The Prophet said:
“He earned thirty rewards”.
Abu Dawud, Adab 132; Tirmidhi, Isti’zan 2

853.  Aisha Radiyallahu Anhai said:
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings to me:
– “That is the essence Jibril aleyhi’s-salaam; he greets you.”
And I said: – And ‘alaihi’s-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Bukhari, Bad’ul-halk 6; Isti’zan 16; Muslim, Fezâilü’s-Sahâbe 90-91
This hadith is conveyed in some narrations of Bukhari and Muslim with “wa barakatuh” in the same way as here, and without “wa barakatuh” in some narrations. As a rule, most reliable narrators are acceptable.

854.  According to Anas Radiyallahu Anh’dan, when Nabi sallallahu alayhi blessings and say a word, his word was repeated three times to thoroughly understanding what your meaning to him. When he came to a group, he would greet them three times.
Bukhari, Ilm 30; Isti’zân 13. See also. Tirmidhi, Isti’zan 28

855.  Mikdâd radiyallahu anh said in a long hadith:
We used to separate the milk share of the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, and remove it. The Messenger of God would come at night and greet in a way that would not wake the sleeper, but would make the awake ones hear. The Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, came one night and greeted him as usual.
Muslim, Eşribe 174. See also. Tirmidhi, Isti’zan 26

856.  According to Asmd Radiyallahu bint Yazid narrated from Anhai, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings mosque was attacked a day. A congregation of women lived there. Hz. The Prophet saluted them by gesturing with his hand.
Tirmidhi, Isti’zan 9. See also. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, VI, 458

857.  According to what was narrated from Abu Umama radiyallahu anh, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
“The most beloved people in the sight of Allah and the closest to Him are those who greet first. 
Abu Dawud, Adab 133. For a similar narration, see. Tirmidhi, Isti’zan 6

858.  Abu al-Hüceymî Cürey Radiyallahu Anh said:
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I’ve come to:
– Aleyke’s-salaam O Messenger of Allah! said. Our Prophet:
– “Do not say Aleyke’s-Salam; because aleyke’s-salâm is the greeting given to the dead”.
Abu  Dawud, Libas 24; Tirmidhi, Isti’zan 27



859.  According to what was narrated from Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anh, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
“The one who is well-mounted greets the one walking, the one who is walking, the one who is walking, the one who is few in number, the one who is large. ”
Bukhari, Isti’zan 5, 6; Muslim, Salam 1; Adab 46. See also. Abu Dawud, Adab 134; Tirmidhi, Isti’zan 14 In
one of Bukhari’s narrations, there is the addition of “The little one greets the elder ”.
Bukhari, Isti’zan 7

860.  According to the Suday Abu Umair Ibn al-Bâhilî Radiyallahu Aclaim Anh’dan, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings said:
“People liked best ones in the sight of God, hey they are first starting up. ”
Abu Dawud, Adab 133
According to the narration of Tirmidhi from Abu Umama radiyallahu anh, a man said:
– O Messenger of Allah! When two people meet each other, which of them greets first? asked. The Prophet also said:
“The one who is closer to Allah”.
Tirmidhi , Isti’zan 6


861.  Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh, prayer, according to statements in the hadith about the one that makes failing to observe the decorum required by the prayer, he makes people prayer come to the mosque, then Nabi sallallahu alayhi came to him alaihi and gave him the salutation; The Messenger of God responded to his greeting and said:
“Go back and pray, because you did not pray.” The man returned and prayed again, then came to the presence of the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, and saluted again. As a result, this situation was repeated three times.
Bukhari, Adhan 95, 122; Eyman 15; Isti’zan 18; Muslim, Salat 45. See also. Tirmidhi, Salat 110; Isti’zan 4; Nesai, Istiftah 7; Applied 15; Sehv 67; Ibn Majah, Residence 72

862.  According to Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh’dan, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings said:
“If one of you give peace be upon him when he came across the brothers in faith. If a tree, wall or stone comes between the two and they meet again, let him greet again. ”
Abu Dawud, Adab 135



Sahl Ibn Sa’d radiyallahu anh said:  

There was a woman among us—an old woman in another story. He would take the chard roots, put them in a stew and cook them, and grind some barley. We used to perform the Friday prayer and greet him when we returned. He would serve us the food he prepared. (Bukhari, Isti’zan 16, Friday 40; Hars 21; Et’ime 17)

Umm Hani Fahite Binti Abu Talib radiyallahu anha said:  

On the day of the conquest of Mecca, I came to the Prophet , sallallahu ‘ alaihi wa sallam . The Messenger of God was bathing, and Fatima was holding a curtain for her with a cloth in her hand. I gave my greetings.   (Muslim, Hayz 70-71, Salatu’l-musafirin 81-82)

Asma Binti Yazid radiyallahu anhu said: 

While we were sitting with the women, the Prophet ( pbuh ) stopped by and greeted us. (Abu Dawud, Adab 137; Tirmidhi, Ist’zan 9)   


According to what is reported from Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anh , the Messenger of Allah pbuh ) said:   

“Do not greet Jews and Christians first. When you meet one of them on the road, force them to walk by the side of the road, provided that it is not tormented. ” ( Muslim, Salam 13)

According to what is reported from Anas radiyallahu anh , the Messenger of Allah pbuh ) said:   

“When the people of the Book greet you, say to them: Wa alaikum. ” (Bukhari, Isti’zan 22, Murtaddin 4; Muslim, Salam 6–9)

According to what is reported from Usama radiyallahu anh , the Prophet came across a group of Muslims, polytheists – idolaters – and Jews and greeted them. (Bukhari, Isti’zan 20; Muslim, Jihad 116)  


According to what is reported from Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anh , the Messenger of Allah pbuh ) said:   

“When one of you arrives at an assembly, let him greet you. Let him greet when he wants to get up from the council he is sitting in. The first greeting is not superior to the next greeting. ” ( Ebû Dâvûd, Adab 139; Tirmidhi, Isti’zan 15)



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