Hadith about the future (end) time are given here
According to the narration of Abu Huraira,
The Messenger of Allah (saas) said:
“There will be some strife in the future. Then the one sitting is the one standing; standing, walking; walking is better than running. The person who tries to cause strife finds himself in that strife. And whoever finds a place to take refuge (by getting rid of the fitna), should take refuge there immediately.”
Hadith Sources: (B7081 Bukhari, Fitan, 9)
According to what Abu Huraira narrated, Hz. The Prophet (saas) said: “The Hour will not come until knowledge is lost, earthquakes increase, time becomes shorter, murders increase, and wealth increases.”
Hadith Sources: (B1036 Bukhari, Istiska, 27)
According to what is reported from Abu Huraira (ra), Hz. The Prophet (saas) said: “A time will come for people when a person will not care whether he obtains his property from halal or haram!”
Hadith Sources: (B2059 Bukhari, Magic, 7)
According to what Tamim ed-Dari heard, the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: “This religion will reach wherever the day and night reach; Allah will not leave any house, whether made of adobe or camel hair, in which this religion has not been introduced by him. This (for some) will be such a glory (for some) it will be such a disgrace! In this way, Allah will honor Islam and humiliate disbelief.”
Hadith Sources :(HM17082 Ibn Hanbal, IV, 104)
Ma”bed”in, Hârise b. According to what he narrated from Wahb, he heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say: “Give alms. For, there will come a time for people when a person will walk around with his alms and not find anyone who will accept that alms.
Hadith Sources :(B7120 Bukhari, Fitan, 25)