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Hadith about the next (end) time

Hadith about the next (end) time

Hadith about the future (end) time are given here




According to the narration of Abu Huraira,

The Messenger of Allah (saas) said:

“There will be some strife in the future. Then the one sitting is the one standing; standing, walking; walking is better than running. The person who tries to cause strife finds himself in that strife. And whoever finds a place to take refuge (by getting rid of the fitna), should take refuge there immediately.”

Hadith Sources: (B7081 Bukhari, Fitan, 9)



According to what Abu Huraira narrated, Hz. The Prophet (saas) said: “The Hour will not come until knowledge is lost, earthquakes increase, time becomes shorter, murders increase, and wealth increases.”

Hadith Sources: (B1036 Bukhari, Istiska, 27)



According to what is reported from Abu Huraira (ra), Hz. The Prophet (saas) said: “A time will come for people when a person will not care whether he obtains his property from halal or haram!”

Hadith Sources: (B2059 Bukhari, Magic, 7)



According to what Tamim ed-Dari heard, the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: “This religion will reach wherever the day and night reach; Allah will not leave any house, whether made of adobe or camel hair, in which this religion has not been introduced by him. This (for some) will be such a glory (for some) it will be such a disgrace! In this way, Allah will honor Islam and humiliate disbelief.”

Hadith Sources :(HM17082 Ibn Hanbal, IV, 104)



Ma”bed”in, Hârise b. According to what he narrated from Wahb, he heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say: “Give alms. For, there will come a time for people when a person will walk around with his alms and not find anyone who will accept that alms.

Hadith Sources :(B7120 Bukhari, Fitan, 25)



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