Taking refuge in God from debt
(232) Aisha (Radiallahu Anha) reported:
“When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sat for tashahhud in prayer, he used to pray and say:
He used to say ‘Allahumme İnni Eûzu Bike Mine’l-Me’semi Ve’l-Magrami’ .
One to himself:
−O Messenger of Allah! How often do you seek refuge in Allah from debt? said.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
He said, ‘When a person is in debt, he talks, lies, makes promises and then opposes him’ .
Meaning of Prayer: “O my God! It means I seek refuge in You from sin and debt.
Bukhari 2216, Muslim 589/129, Abu Avane 2/236, Nasei 1308, Ibn Huzeyme 852, Ibn Hibban 1968, Ahmad 6/89, 244
Debt To Lie Its Owner
and Promising Promises
(233) Aisha (Radiallahu Anha) said:
“When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sat for tashahhud in prayer, he used to pray and say:
He used to say ‘Allahumme İnni Eûzu Bike Mine’l-Me’semi Ve’l-Magrami’ .
One to himself:
−O Messenger of Allah! How often do you seek refuge in Allah from debt? said.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
He said, ‘When a person is in debt, he talks, lies, makes promises and then opposes him’ .
Meaning of Prayer: “O my God! It means I seek refuge in You from sin and debt.
Bukhari 2216, Muslim 589/129, Abu Avane 2/236, Nasei 1308, Ibn Huzeyme 852, Ibn Hibban 1968, Ahmad 6/89, 244
Ta’liz in Avoiding Borrowing
(234) Mohammed bin Jahsh said:
“We were sitting next to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) . The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) raised his head to the sky, then placed the palm of his hand on his forehead, then said:
‘I glorify Allah with the most beautiful blessings, what has been revealed from the test?’ he commanded.
We were silent and afraid about it. The next day, I asked him and said:
−O Messenger of Allah! What is this downloaded teshdit? said.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
‘I swear by the One in whose hand is my soul, if a person were killed in the way of Allah and then resurrected; if he were then killed and resurrected again; if he had been killed again, even though he had a debt on him; he would not enter heaven until his debt was paid on his behalf!’ commanded.”
Nesei 4698
Not Performing the Funeral Prayer for a Debtor!
(235) Salama bin al-Ekwa (Radiyallahu Anh) said:
“We were sitting next to the Prophet (peace be upon him) . A corpse was brought.
Funeral owners:
−O Messenger of Allah! They said, “You should lead the funeral prayer.”
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
−’Is there a debt on it?’ he commanded.
Funeral owners:
‘No,’ they said.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
−’Did he leave anything behind?’ he commanded.
‘No,’ they said. Afterwards, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him ) led the funeral prayer for him. Then another corpse was brought.
Funeral owners:
−O Messenger of Allah! They said, “You should lead the funeral prayer.”
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
−’Is there a debt on it?’ he commanded.
‘Yes,’ they said.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
−’Did he leave anything behind?’ he commanded.
They said, ‘Yes, he left three dinars. Afterwards, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him ) led the funeral prayer for him. Then a third funeral was brought, and the undertakers said:
−O Messenger of Allah! They said, “You should lead the funeral prayer.”
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
−’Did he leave anything behind?’ he commanded.
‘No,’ they said.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
−’Is there a debt on it?’ he commanded.
‘Yes, three dinars,’ they said.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
−’Perform your friend’s prayer yourself!’ he commanded.
Abu Qatada (Radiallahu Anh) :
−O Messenger of Allah! He said, ‘Pray on him, his debt is on me. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him ) led the funeral prayer for him.”
Buhari 2115, İbni Hibban 3264, Tabarani Mucemu’l-Kebir 6290, Beyhaki 6/72, 75, Ahmed 4/47
It’s Cruelty For A Rich Person To Extend His Debt!
(236) Abu Hurayra (Radiallahu Anh) said:
“The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said :
He said, ‘It is cruelty for a rich person to prolong paying his debts!..’ “
Bukhari 2113, Muslim 1564/33, Abu Dawud 3345, Nasei 4705, Tirmidhi 1308, Darimi 2/261, Ibn Mace 2405, Ibnu’l-Carud 560, Ibn Hibban 5053, Begavi 2152, Ahmed 2/254
The creditor has the right to speak
(237) Abu Hurayra (Radiallahu Anh) said:
“ A man came to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) asking for his money and he was strict. The Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) intended to punish him.
Nabi (Peace be upon him) :
‘Leave him! Because the owner of the right has the right to speak .”
Bukhari 2218, Tirmidhi 1317, Beyhaki 10939, 11095, 11283, Ahmed 9399
Permissibility of Borrowing in Obligatory Circumstances
(238) Jabir bin Abdullah (Radiyallahu Anhuma) said:
“I fought with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) .
Nabi (Peace be upon him) :
−’What do you think of Deven, will you sell it to me?’ he commanded.
Me too
‘I said yes, I’d sell it, and I sold the camel to him. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) came to Medina, I brought the camel to him in the morning. He gave me the camel’s wages.”
Buhari 2206
God Helps Those Who Borrow by Wanting to Pay!
(239) Abu Hurayra (Radiallahu Anh) said:
“The Prophet (PBUH) :
‘Whoever borrows money to pay off people’s property, Allah will make him pay his debt. Whoever borrows money by wanting to destroy people’s property, Allah will also destroy him!’ commanded.”
Bukhari 2207, İbni Mace 2411, Ahmed 2/361, 417, Albani Fikirü’l-Meram 352
(240) Abu Hurayra (Radiallahu Anh) said:
The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) mentioned a man from the sons of Israel and said:
“That man asked some of the sons of Israel to lend him a thousand dinars as a loan.
Person wishing to lend:
-Bring the witnesses, I will make them witnesses! said.
Requesting a loan:
−Allah is sufficient as a witness! said.
Person wishing to lend:
“Then bring me a guarantor,” he said.
Requesting a loan:
−Allah is sufficient as a guarantor! said.
Person wishing to lend:
“You told the truth,” he said, and gave him a thousand dinars until a named time. After receiving the money, he went to sea for trade. He met his needs, then sought a ship to come to the lender to pay his debt at the appointed time. But he couldn’t find a ship. So he took a piece of wood and hollowed it out. He put a thousand dinars in it and a letter he wrote to the borrower. Then he sealed the hollow well and leveled it.
Then he brought the wood to the seaside and prayed:
−Oh my God! Surely you know that I asked for a loan of one thousand dinars from so and so.
He asked me for a guarantor.
−Allah is sufficient as a guarantor! said.
He agreed to your bail.
He wanted a martyr from me.
−Allah is sufficient as a witness! said. He consented to your testimony and lent me a loan. I tried to find a ship to send him the debt, but I couldn’t. He said, “Now I’m entrusting you with a thousand dinars,” and he threw that wood into the sea.
After the wood went into the sea, he returned from there looking for a ship to take him to his town. The lender also went out to sea, hoping he would return, and was spying on if a ship might have brought his money. Meanwhile, he suddenly saw wood with money in it on the beach. He bought it as a firewood for his family. When he smashed it at home, he found the money and the letter inside. Then the borrower came to the lender and brought him a thousand dinars:
-I swear to God, I kept looking for a ship to bring your money to you. But before this time I came to you, I couldn’t find a ship, he said, and paid his debt.
−Did you send me anything? said.
“I inform you that I did not find a ship before the day I came to you in it.
−Undoubtedly, Allah paid the debt you sent in wood on your behalf. Therefore, he said, take this thousand dinars you brought as a rashid.”
Buhari 2118, 2119
The Permissibility of Putting Money aside to Pay a Debt
(241) Abu Dharr (Radiyallahu Anh) said:
“I was with the Prophet (peace be upon him) . When the Prophet (peace be upon him) saw Mount Uhud:
‘I do not wish that Mount Uhud turns into gold for me and that one dinar from it should wait with me for more than three days! However, the dinar I kept waiting for the loan is excluded!’ commanded…”
Bukhari 2208, Muslim 991/32, Hatib Date 7/376, Ahmed 5/152, Albani Sahiha 2211
(242) Abu Hurayra (Radiallahu Anh) said:
“The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said :
‘If I had gold as much as Mount Uhud, I would not be happy if I had something from it with me for three days! But it is exceptional that I hid it from him to pay off the debt!’ commanded.”
Bukhari 2209, Muslim 991/31, Ibn Majah 4132, Ibn Hibban 3214, Albani Sahiha 2211
It is Permissible for the Debtor to Pledge to the Creditor
(243) Aisha (Radiallahu Anha) said:
“The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) bought a full payment from a Jew for a while. He pawned an iron armor to him.”
Bukhari 2386, Muslim 1603/126, Nasei 4623, 4664, Ibn Mace 2436, Ibnu’l-Carud 664, Ibn Hibban 5938, Beyhaki 6/36, Ahmed 6/42160, 230, Albani Irva 1393
Paying the Debtor’s Debt in the Best Way
The Viability of Thanking the Creditor
(244) Abdullah bin Rebia, with his father and grandfather, said:
“The Prophet (PBUH) borrowed forty dirhams from me. When the goods came to him, he paid his debt to me and said:
‘May Allah bless you with your family and wealth. The best recompense for the lender is to thank him and pay it nicely .”
Nesei 4697, Ibn Mace 2424, Ahmed 4/36, Albani Irva 1388
(245) Abu Hurayra (Radiallahu Anh) said:
“A man asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for what he would receive and he was strict. The Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) intended to punish him.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
−’Leave him! Because the owner of the right has the right to speak. Buy a camel for him and give it to him .
They said, ‘We couldn’t find any better and older camel than this camel.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) :
−’Buy that camel and give it to the man! Undoubtedly, the best of you is the one who repays his debt in the best way!’ commanded.”
Bukhari 2210, Muslim 1601/120, 121, 122, Nasei 4632, Tirmidhi 1316, 1317, Ibn Mace 2423, Tayalisi 2356, Beyhaki 5/352, Ahmed 2/377, Albani Irva 5/225
The Permissibility of Intercession for the Debtor
(246) Jabir bin Abdullah (Radiallahu Anhuma) said:
“My father Abdullah was killed in Uhud, leaving children and debt. I demanded that some of the debt holders not take them. They did not accept this. I came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him to intercede for me with the creditors, but they still refused.
Nabi (Peace be upon him) :
−’Classify each type of date separately. Gather the Izkabni zeydin navy separately, collect the al-Lin navy separately, collect al-Ajve separately and keep the creditors ready until I come to you .
Jabir (Radiallahu Anh) :
−I have fulfilled the order of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) . Then the Prophet (Peace be upon him) came and sat on the date palm. He weighed the debt of each of the creditor men, and paid each purse fully its due. The date remained as it was, as if no hand had touched it…”
Buhari 2222
It is Permissible to Ask the Creditor to Forgive Part of the Receivable
(247) Abdullah bin Ka’b bin Malik (Radiallahu Anh) said:
“Ka’b bin Malik asked for his debt in the mosque in Ibn Abi Hadret. Both of their voices were raised. Even the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) heard their voices even though he was in his house. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) went up to them, opened the curtain of the cell and said to Ka’b bin Malik (Radiyallahu Anh) :
−Ya Ka’b! he called.
In Ka’b (Radiallahu Anh) :
−Labbeyk, I am at your command, O Messenger of Allah! When he said, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) pointed with his hand and said:
He said, ‘Leave half of what you will get’ .
Ka’b (Radiallahu Anh) :
I forgive you, O Messenger of Allah! said.
Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said to the debtor:
‘He said, ‘Get up, pay your debt’ .”
Muslim 1558/20, Bukhari 562, Abu Dawud 3595, Darimi 2/261, Ibn Mace 2429, Tabarani Mujamu’l-Kebir 19/127, 129, Beyhaki 6/52, 63, 64, Begavi 2151, Ahmed 6/386, 390, Albani Irva 1422
It is Permissible to Guarantee to Pay a Debt of Someone Else
(248) Abu Qatada (Radiallahu Anh) said:
“A person who died from the Ansar was brought to the Prophet (PBUH) to perform the funeral prayer.
Nabi (Peace be upon him) :
He said, ‘Surely your friend has a debt on him .
Katada (Radiyallahu Anh) :
‘I guarantee to pay him,’ he said.
Nabi (Peace be upon him) :
‘Will you show loyalty to your covenant?’ he commanded.
Katada (Radiyallahu Anh) :
“I will show loyalty,” he said.
Nesei 4706, Tirmidhi 1069, Ibn Majah 2407 |