729. Omar Ibn Abu Salamah Radiyallahu anhümâ said:
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings commanded me:
“Bismillah shoot! Eat with your right hand! Always eat ahead of you!”
Bukhari, Et`ime 2, 3; Muslim, Eshribe 108. See also. Tirmidhi, Et`ime 47; Ibn Majah, Et`ime 8
730. Aisha radiyallahu anha said that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, said:
“One of you should say basmala while eating. If he forgets to say basmala while starting the meal, he should say ‘bismillah from start to finish’ as soon as he remembers. “
Abu Dawud, Et`ime 15; Tirmidhi, Et`ime 47
731. Jabir radiyallahu anh said I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say:
“If a person utters basmala while entering his house and eating, the devil says to his men, “You can neither spend the night nor eat here.” If that person does not utter basmala while entering the house, the devil says to his men, “You have found a place to spend the night.” If that person does not say basmala while eating, the devil says to his men, “You have found both shelter and food.” ”
Muslim, Eşribe 103. See also. Abu Dawud, Et`ime 15; Ibn Majah, Dua 19
732. Huzayfa radiyallahu anh said:
When we were going to eat with the Messenger of Allah, we would not touch the food before he touched it. We would have dinner with him again one day. Then a little girl came. It was as if someone was pushing him from behind. He immediately extended his hand to the food; but the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) took his hand. Then a Bedouin came; it looked like he was being pushed from behind. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took his hand and then said:
“Satan very much desires to attend a meal that starts before the basmala is started. He brought this concubine to attend that meal. But I held your hand. Thanks to this Bedouin, he brought him to join the meal; I also held his hand. I swear to Allah, who holds my soul in His hand, that the hand of the devil was in my palm with theirs. ”
Then the Prophet uttered basmala and began to eat.
Muslim, Eşribe 102. See also. Abu Dawud, Et`ime 15
733. Companion Umayya Ibn Mahshi radiyallahu anh said:
Someone was eating next to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him . The man did not take basmala until the last bite. While he was taking the last bite to his mouth, he said “bismillah beforehand and ahirehu” (bismillah from beginning to end). Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam laughed and said:
“Satan was eating with him. When the man uttered the basmala, the devil vomited what he ate. “
Abu Dawud, Et`ime 15; Nesâî, es-Sünenü’l-kübrâ, Âdâbü’l-ekl, 15.
734. Aisha radiyallahu anha said: The
Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was eating with six of his companions. Meanwhile, a Bedouin came and finished the meal in two bites. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
“If he had uttered basmala, the food would have been enough for all of you. ”
Tirmidhi, Et`ime 47. See also. Ibn Majah, Et`ime 7
735. According to what is narrated from Abu Umama radiyallahu anh, when the Prophet (pbuh) lifted his table, he would say:
“O our Lord! We thank you with pure feelings, with countless praises that do not decrease and increase and are not turned away from your presence and accepted. “
Bukhari, Et`ime 54. See also. Abu Dawud, Et`ime 52; Tirmidhi, Daavât 55; Ibn Majah, Et`ime 16
736. According to what was narrated from Muadh Ibn Anas radiyallahu anh, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
“If a person, after eating a meal, says: “Praise be to Allah, who made me eat this food and gave it to me without any power or power to affect the result.” past sins are forgiven. “
Abu Dawud, Libas 1; Tirmidhi, Daavât 56. See also. Ibn Majah, Et`ime 16
737. Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anh said: The
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, never found fault in eating. If he had an appetite, he would eat, if he didn’t feel like it, he wouldn’t.
Bukhari, Menakib 23; Et`ime 21; Muslim, Eşribe 187, 188. See also. Abu Dawud, Et`ime 13; Tirmidhi, Birr 84
738. Jabir radiyallahu anh said:
One day, the Prophet (pbuh) asked the people of his household for a condiment that he would eat along with the bread. They said:
– There is nothing but vinegar in the house.
The Messenger of God told them to bring him. Then:
– “What a wonderful additive to vinegar; What a wonderful addition to the vinegar!” he began to eat his food.
Muslim, Eshribe 167-169. See also Abu Dawud, Et`ime 39; Tirmidhi, Et`ime 35; Ibn Majah, Et`ime 33
739. Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi According to Anh’dan and blessings said:
“One of you go when you’re invited to dinner; if he is fasting, let him pray to the owner of the meal; If he is not fasting, let him eat. “
Muslim, Marriage 106. See also. Muslim, Siam 159; Abu Dawud, Et`ime 1, Savm 75
740. Abu Mas`ud al-Badri radiyallahu anh said:
One of the Companions prepared a meal for the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and invited him with four people. But a man came after them. When he came to the door, the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said to the owner of the house:
– “This one came after us. You can let him in if you want. If you don’t want it, go back . “
The owner of the house:
– No, I allow him, O Messenger of Allah! said.
Bukhari, Buyu’ 21, Mezâlim 14, Et’ime 34, 57; Muslim, Eshriba 138
Abu Hafs Omar, the son of Abu Salama Abdullah Ibn Abdulesed, the stepson of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), said:
I was a child who grew up under the auspices of the Messenger of Allah. While eating, my hand would go all over the dinner plate. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said to me:
“My son, say basmala! Eat with your right hand! Always eat in front of it!”.
Bukhari, Et`ime 2, 3; Muslim, Eshribe 108. See also. Ibn Majah, Et`ime 8
742. Salamah ibn Ekva` Radiyallahu has been rumored to have said Anh’dan:
A man Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his left hand to eat the next seven. The Messenger of God said to him:
– “Eat with your right hand!” he commanded. “I can’t,” the
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said to that man:
– “You ca n’t do it !” he cursed.
According to Seleme, the man said that out of arrogance. Upon the curse of the Messenger of Allah, he could not bring his hand to his mouth.
Muslim, Eshriba 107
743. Jabal Ibn Suhaym said: There
was a famine in the year we fought together with Ibn Zubayr. Dates were distributed to us as provisions. While we were eating the date, Abdullah Ibn Umar would pass by us and say to us:
Do not eat the dates in pairs. Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade us to eat dates in pairs. Then Ibn ‘Umar would continue to say: But if his friend allows, he can eat in pairs.
Bukhari, Et`ime 44, Company 4, Mezâlim 14; Muslim, Eshribe 150. See also. Abu Dawud, Et`ime 43; Tirmidhi, Et`ime 16; Ibn Majah, Et`ime 41
744. Wahshi Ibn Harb said: The
Companions of the Messenger of Allah ( pbuh) said :
– O Messenger of Allah! They said we eat, but we are not satisfied.
The Messenger of God said to them:
– “You probably eat separately!” When he asked:
– Yes, we do that, they said.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
– “Eat the meal together; draw the citation; your food will be blessed”.
Abu Dâvûd, Et`ime 14. See also. Ibn Majah, Et`ime 17
745. According to what is narrated from Ibn Abbas radiyallahu anhuma, the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:
“Blessings descend in the middle of the meal. For this reason, eat from the edges of the plate, not from the middle. “
Ebû Davud, Et’ime 17; Tirmidhi, Et’ime 12. See also. Ibn Majah, Et’ime 12
746. Abdullah Ibn Busr radiyallahu anh said: The
Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam had a food container called garra that four people could carry. After the mid-morning prayer came and the mid-morning prayer was performed, they brought this food bowl containing tirit. The Companions also gathered around him. When the Companions increased, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) knelt down.
A Bedouin who saw this said:
– How is this sitting? asked.
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
“Allah did not create me as a stubborn tyrant, but as an honorable servant.” Then the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, continued: “Eat from the edges of the bowl. Do not eat from it, so that the food will be abundant. ”
Abu Dâvûd, Et`ime 17. See also. Ibn Majah, Et`ime 6
747. According to what was narrated from Abu Juhayfa Wahb Ibn Abdullah radiyallahu anh, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
“I do not eat from a place. “
Bukhari, Et`ime 13. See also. Abu Dawud, Et`ime 16; Tirmidhi, Et`ime 28; Ibn Majah, Et`ime 6
748. Anas radiyallahu anh said:
I saw the Messenger of Allah ( pbuh) sitting with his knees bent, eating dates.
Muslim, Eshriba 148
749. Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi anhümâ According to what is narrated from saas said:
“yalamadık the fingers of your dinner when someone (or emmedik ACE)’re deleting. “
Bukhari, Et`ime 52; Muslim, Eshribe 129. See also. Abu Dawud, Et`ime 51; Ibn Majah, Et`ime 9
(The wisdom of this hadith was understood later, and it was determined that especially when the shahada finger was taken into the mouth, it sent a “I am full” signal to the brain.
750. Ka`b Ibn Malik radiyallahu anh said: The
Messenger of Allah (pbuh) ate with three fingers and licked his fingers after eating. I saw it.
Muslim, Eşrib 131, 132. see also. Abu Dawud, Et`İ to 49; Tirmidhi, Et`İ to 11
751. Jabir Ibn Abdullah radiyallahu anh said: The
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered to lick the fingers and wipe the plate, and said:
“You do not know where there is blessing in your food. “
Muslim, Eshriba 133
752. According to what was narrated from Jabir Ibn Abdullah radiyallahu anh, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
“Whenever one of you has a bite to fall on the ground, he should pick it up and eat it after cleaning it. Do not leave your bite to the devil. Do not wipe your hands with a cloth unless you lick your fingers. Because he does not know where there is abundance in his food. ”
Muslim, Eşribe 136. See also. Abu Dawud, Et`ime 49; Tirmidhi, Et`ime 11
753. Again Jabir Radiyallahu Prophet sallallahu alayhi According to Anh’dan and blessings said:
“Verily Satan’s work that each one of you will be ready to do. Even when eating. When one of you has a bite to fall on the ground, let him pick it up and eat it after cleaning the things that stick to it; Don’t leave it to the devil. Let him lick his fingers when he finishes his meal; because he does not know where there is abundance in his food. ”
Muslim, Eshriba 133-135. See also Abu Dawud, Et`ime 49; Tirmidhi, 10, 11; Ibn Majah, Et`ime 9
754. Anas Radiyallahu Anh said:
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings food lick the three fingers and eat when he said:
“You get it when you bite any of them fall to the ground; let him eat after cleaning the things that stick on him; Don’t leave it to the devil. ” The
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, ordered us to scrape the plate,
saying : “Because you don’t know where there is blessing in the food.”
Muslim, Eshribe 136. See also. Abu Dawud, Et`ime 49; Tirmidhi, Et`ime 11
755. Said Ibn Haris to Jabir Ibn Abdullah:
– Is it necessary to make wudu after eating something cooked in the fire? asked. He said:
– No, it’s not necessary. In the time of the Prophet, we rarely saw a meal cooked on fire. And when we ate it, we wiped it on our palms, wrists and feet as we had no wipes. “We used to pray without making ablution after the meal,” he replied.
Bukhari, Et`ime 53. See also. Ibn Majah, Et`ime 15
756. Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi According to Anh’dan and blessings said:
“Dinner for two to three people, three people or four people to eat enough. “
Bukhari, Et`ime 11; Muslim, Eshriba 179-181. See also Tirmidhi, Et`ime 21; Ibn Majah, Et`ime 2
757. Jabir Ibn Abdullah Radiyallahu Anh said:
I am the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is:
“A person’s food for two people, two people food for four people, four people food for eight people enough,” I heard buyururken.
Muslim, Eshriba 179-181. See also Tirmidhi, Et`ime 21; Ibn Majah, Et`ime 2
758. According to what Anas radiyallahu anh said, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) drank water and other soft drinks in three breaths.
Bukhari, Esribe 26; Muslim, Eshribe 123. See also. Abu Dawud, Esribe 19; Tirmidhi, Esribe, 13; Ibn Majah, Esribe 18
759. Ibn Abbas narrated from anhümâ Radiyallahu According to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings said:
“drinking like a camel breath. For two, three breaths. When you drink something, say basmala; Say alhamdu lillah after drinking. “
Tirmidhi, Esribe 13
760. According to what Abu Qatada radiyallahu anh said, the Prophet (pbuh) forbade breathing into a container.
Bukhari, Wudu’ 19; Muslim, Taharet 65, Eşribe 121. See also. Abu Dawud, Ashriba 20; Tirmidhi, Esribe 15, 16; Nesai, Taharet 42
761. According to what is reported from Anas radiyallahu anh, milk with added water was brought to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. At that time, a Bedouin was sitting on the right of the Prophet and Abu Bakr radiyallahu anh on his left. After he drank the milk, he gave it to the Bedouin and said:
“Everyone give it to the one on the right!” he commanded.
Bukhari, Esribe 14, 18; Muslim, Eshribe 124. See also. Abu Dawud, Esribe 19; Tirmidhi, Esribe 19; Ibn Majah, Esriba 22
762. Sahl Ibn Sa`D Radiyallahu Anh’dan According to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brought something to drink. He drank too. Meanwhile, a child was sitting on the right side, and the elderly were sitting on the left.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) turned to the child and said:
– “Can I give this to the elderly?” asked.
– No, I swear it will not happen, O Messenger of Allah! “I cannot donate the good that I will earn from you to anyone,” he said.
The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, handed the jug to the child’s hand.
Bukhari , Shirb ve’l-musâkat 1, 10, Mazâlim 12, Grant 22, 23; Esribe, 19; Muslim, Eshriba 127
763. Abu Sa’id Radiyallahu Anh said:
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi mouth of the blessings of broken water bag bans drinking water.
Bukhari, Esribe 23; Muslim, Eshribe 110, 111. See also. Abu Dawud, Ashriba 15; Tirmidhi, Esribe 17; Ibn Majah, Esribe 19
764. Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh said:
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings of water from the mouth of the bag or crop bans drinking water.
Bukhari, Esribe 24; Muslim, Musâkat 136 (Similar to the narration in Bukhari). See also Abu Dawud, Ashriba 14; Nesai, Dahaya 44; Ibn Majah, Esribe 20
765. Hassan Ibn Thabit’s sister Umm Thabit Thabit Radiyallahu anhümâ the CSCE Bint said:
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings came to my house. He drank standing up from the mouth of the whip hanging on the wall. I immediately got up and cut the mouth of the whip.
Tirmidhi, Esribe 18
766. According to what is narrated from Abu Said al-Khudri radiyallahu anh, the Prophet (pbuh) forbade blowing on things that were drinkable.
Then a man said:
– What should I do if I see coarse garbage falling? when he says:
– “Pour what falls into the container!” he commanded.
This time, the man said:
– I don’t fall for the water when I drink it in one breath.
The Messenger of God said:
– “Then pull the water bowl out of your mouth!” he commanded.
Tirmidhi, Esribe 15.
767. Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu anhümâ’n narrated by the Prophet sallallahu against Sellin and inhalation into the container or prohibited rough blowing.
Tirmidhi, Eşribe 15. See also. Sources of hadith number 760
772 Anas Radiyallahu anh narrated by the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi-i Ekrem and forbade the blessings of one’s standing water. Ravi Qatade
– We asked Enes, what is it like to eat standing up? we asked. Enes said:
– Eating standing up is worse (or worse).
Muslim, Eshribe 113. See also. Tirmidhi Eshriba 11
The expression “Forbidden drinking water while standing” is used as “Forbidden drinking water while standing” (zecere) in another narration of Muslim.
Muslim, Ashriba 112, 114
773. According to what is narrated from Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anh, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said:
“None of you should drink while standing. And those who drink forgetfully vomit!”
Muslim, Eshriba 116
774. According to what was narrated from Abu Qatada, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“Whoever distributes water to the people, drinks it last. “
Tirmidhi, Eşribe 20. See also. Muslim, Mesâcid 311; Abu Dawud, Esribe 19; Ibn Majah, Esribe 26
775. Anas Radiyallahu Anh said:
– entered the house, which was close to the time of prayer they went home. Some stayed where they were. They brought a vessel made of stone to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. All those present in this vessel, which was too narrow for the Messenger of God to fit in, performed ablution.
When some
asked Enes:
– How many people were there, Enes said: – We were more than eighty people.
Bukhari, Wudu’ 32, 45, Menakib 25; Muslim, Fezâil 5
Another narration by Bukhari and Muslim is as follows: The
Prophet (pbuh) asked for a water bowl. They brought a large vessel with a little water in it, but not deep. The Messenger of God put his hand in the water.
Enes said:
I started to look at the boiling water between the fingers of the Messenger of God. Seventy to eighty men made ablution from that water.
Bukhari, Wudu’ 46; Muslim, Fezâil 4. See also. Nesai, Taharet 61; Tirmizi, Menakıb 6
776 Abdullah ibn Zayd Radiyallahu Anh said:
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi i Ekrem and blessings came to us. We brought him water in a copper vessel and he performed ablution.
Bukhari, Wudu’ 45. See also. Abu Dawud, Taharet 47; Ibn Majah, Taharet 61
777. Jabir Ibn Abdullah Radiyallahu Anh said:
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi blessings went along with a sahâbîs next to one from the Ansar and said:
“If the cold water brought in waterskin tonight; or we’ll bend over and drink from the creek. “
Bukhari, Esribe 14, 20. See also. Abu Dawud, Esribe 18; Ibn Majah, Esribe 25
778 Huzeyfe Radiyallahu Anh said:
The Messenger-i Ekrem sallallahu alayhi blessings of us to wear dresses from sincere silk and satin fabric, forbade drinking with gold and silver cup and said:
“They are unbelievers in the world, will you be in the hereafter. ”
Bukhari, Esribe 28, Libas 27; Muslim, Libas 3, 4. See also. Abu Dawud, Esriba 17; Tirmidhi, Esribe 10; Ibn Majah, Esribe 17
779. Umm Salamah Radiyallahu Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi According to what is narrated from Anhai and blessings said:
“Silver cup with water drinker, would have filled his belly fire of hell. ”
Bukhari, Esribe 28; Muslim, Libas 1. See also.
According to a narration by Ibn Majah, Ashribe 17 Muslim , he said:
“One who eats and drinks from silver and gold vessels” (Libas 1).
Again, according to a narration of Muslim, he said:
“He who drinks water with a gold or silver cup will fill his stomach with Hellfire ” (Ashriba 2).