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keyboard shortcuts windows

keyboard shortcuts windows

Windows keyboard shortcuts information is provided here




Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keys that provide an alternative way to perform an action you would usually do with a mouse. Click to open the following option to view the table of related shortcuts:

Copy, paste, and other common keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Ctrl + X Cut the selected item.
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert) Copy the selected item.
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) Paste the selected item.
Ctrl + Z Undo an action.
Alt + Tab Switch between open apps.
Alt + F4 Close the active item or exit the active application.
Windows logo key  + L Lock your computer.
Windows logo key  + D Display and hide the desktop.
F2 Rename the selected item.
F3 Search for files or folders in File Explorer.
F4 View the address bar list in File Explorer.
F5 Refresh the active window.
F6 Switch between screen elements in a window or desktop.
F10 Activate the Menu bar in the active application.
Alt + F8 Show your password on the login screen.
Alt + Esc Switch between items in the order they were opened.
Alt + underlined letter Execute the command for the letter in question.
Alt + Enter View properties for the selected item.
Alt + Spacebar Open the shortcut menu of the active window.
Alt + Sol ok Come back.
Alt + Right arrow Go forward.
Alt + Page Up Move up one screen.
Alt + Page Down Move down one screen.
Ctrl + F4 Close the active document (in apps that are full screen and let you open multiple documents at once).
Ctrl + A Select all items in the document or window.
Ctrl + D (or Delete) Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.
Ctrl+R (or F5) Refresh the active window.
Ctrl + Y Repeat an action.
Ctrl + Right arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
Ctrl + Left arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
Ctrl + Down arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
Ctrl + Up arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Ctrl + Alt + Tab Use the arrow keys to switch between open applications.
Alt + Shift + arrow keys Move a highlighted group or tile in the start menu in the specified direction.
Ctrl + Shift + arrow keys When a tile has focus on the Start menu, move it inside another tile to create a folder.
Ctrl + arrow keys Resize the start menu with it open.
Ctrl + arrow key (to move to an item) + Spacebar Select multiple items individually in the window or desktop.
Ctrl + Shift and an arrow key Select the text block.
Ctrl + Esc Open Start.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager.
Ctrl + Shift Change the keyboard layout when more than one keyboard layout is available.
Ctrl + Spacebar Turn the Chinese input method editor (IME) on or off.
Shift + F10 Display the shortcut menu of the selected item.
Shift and an arrow key Select multiple items in the window or desktop, or select text within a document.
Shift + Delete Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first.
right arrow Open the next menu or a submenu on the right.
left arrow Open the next menu on the left or close a submenu.
Esc Key Stop or exit the current task.
PrtScn Take a screenshot of your entire screen and copy it to the clipboard.Not

  • You can also turn on snipping, which allows you to edit your screenshot by changing this shortcut. Beginning   Settings  Ease of Access  Select > Keyboard and turn on the toggle under the Print Screen shortcut .   

Use PrtScn to turn on snipping

Windows logo key keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Windows logo key  Turn Startup on or off.
Windows logo key  + A Open Action Center.
Windows  logo key  + B Move the focus to the notification area.
Windows logo key  + C

Open Cortana in listening mode.


  • This shortcut is turned off by default. To open the shortcut Start  Settings  Turn on the toggle under Let Cortana listen for my commands when I select > Cortana and press the Windows logo key .   
  • Cortana is only available in some countries/regions, and some Cortana features may not be available everywhere. If Cortana is not available or turned off , you can still use the search feature.  
Windows logo key  + Shift + C Open the button menu.
Windows logo key  + D Display and hide the desktop.
Windows logo key  + Alt + D Display and hide the date and time on the desktop.
Windows logo key  + E Open File Explorer.
Windows logo key  + F Open the Feedback Hub and take a screenshot.
Windows logo key  + G Open the Game bar when a game is open.
Windows logo key  + H Start dictation.
Windows logo key + I Open Settings.
Windows logo key  + J Set focus to a Windows hint when available.When a Windows hint appears, move the focus to the Hint. Press the keyboard shortcuts again to move the focus to the item on the screen where the Windows hint is pinned.
Windows logo key  + K Open the connect quick action.
Windows logo key  + L Lock your computer or change accounts.
Windows logo key  + M Minimize all windows.
Windows logo key  + O Lock device rotation.
Windows logo key  + P Choose a presentation screen mode.
Windows logo key + Ctrl + Q Open Quick Help.
Windows logo key  + R Open the Run dialog.
Windows logo key  + S Open the search.
Windows logo key  + Shift + S Take a screenshot of part of your screen.
Windows logo key  + T Navigate apps in the taskbar.
Windows logo key  + U Open the Ease of Access Center.
Windows logo key  + V Open the clipboard.Not

  • To enable this shortcut Start  > Settings  > System   Select > Clipboard and turn on the toggle under Clipboard history .   
Windows logo key  + Shift + V Scroll through notifications.
Windows logo key  + X Open the Quick Connect menu.
Windows logo key + And Switch input between Windows Mixed Reality and your desktop.
Windows logo key  + Z Show commands available in an app in full screen mode.
Windows logo key + period (.) or semicolon (;) Open the emoji panel.
Windows logo key  + comma (,) Browse the desktop temporarily.
Windows logo key  + Pause Display the System Properties dialog box.
Windows logo key  + Ctrl + F Search for computers (if you are on the network).
Windows logo key  + Shift + M Restore minimized windows on the desktop.
Windows logo key  + number Open the desktop and launch the application pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, switch to that app.
Windows logo key  + Shift + number Open the desktop and launch a new instance of the application pinned to the taskbar at the location indicated by the number.
Windows logo key  + Ctrl + number Open the desktop and switch to the last active window of the application pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Windows logo key  + alt + number Open the desktop and open the Jump List of the application pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Windows logo key  + Ctrl + Shift + number Open the desktop and as administrator open a new instance of the application located in the given location on the taskbar.
Windows logo key  + Tab Open the task view.
Windows logo key  + up arrow Maximize the window.
Windows logo key  + Down arrow Remove the current application from the screen or minimize the desktop window.
Windows logo key  + Left arrow Maximize the application or desktop window on the left side of the screen.
Windows logo key  + right arrow Maximize the application or desktop window to the right of the screen.
Windows logo key  + Home Minimize all but the active desktop window (second keypress restores all windows).
Windows logo key  + Shift + Up arrow Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Windows logo key  + Shift + Down arrow Reduce active desktop windows to previous size/minimize while maintaining width.
Windows logo key  + Shift + Left arrow or Right arrow Move the application or window on the desktop from one monitor to another.
Windows logo key  + Spacebar Change the input language and keyboard layout.
Windows logo key  + Ctrl + Spacebar Change it to pre-selected entry.
Windows logo key  + Ctrl + Enter Open Narrator.
Windows logo key + Plus (+) Open Magnifier.
Windows logo key  + slash right (/) Start IME reconversion.
Windows logo key  + Ctrl + V Open shoulder taps.
Windows logo key  + Ctrl + Shift + B Wake up computer from blank or black screen

Command Prompt keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert) Copy the selected text.
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) Paste the selected text.
Ctrl + M Enter sign mode.
Alt + selection key Start selection in block mode.
arrow keys Move the cursor in the specified direction.
Page up Move the cursor up one page.
Page down Move the cursor down one page.
Ctrl + Home (Mark mode) Move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer.
Ctrl + End (Mark mode) Move the cursor to the end of the buffer.
Ctrl + Up arrow Go up one line in the output history.
Ctrl + Down arrow Go down one line in the output history.
Ctrl + Home (History navigation) If the command line is empty, move the viewport to the beginning of the buffer. Otherwise, delete all characters to the left of the cursor on the command line.
Ctrl + End (History navigation) If the command line is empty, move the viewport to the command line. Otherwise, delete all characters to the right of the cursor on the command line.

Dialog keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
F4 View the items in the active list.
Ctrl + Tab Move forward in tabs.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Go backwards in tabs.
Ctrl + number (a number from 1-9) n. switch to tab.
Tab Go forward in the options.
Shift + Tab Go back in the options.
Alt + underlined letter Execute (or select the option) the command used with that letter.
Spacebar If the active option is a checkbox, select or clear the checkbox.
Backspace If a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box, open the folder one level up.
arrow keys Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons.

File Explorer keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Alt + D Select the address bar.
Ctrl + E Select the search box.
Ctrl + F Select the search box.
Ctrl + N Open a new window.
Ctrl + W Close the active window.
Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel Change the size and appearance of file and folder icons.
Ctrl + Shift + E View all folders above the selected folder.
Ctrl + Shift + N Create new folder.
Num Lock + asterisk (*) View all folders under the selected folder.
Num Lock + plus sign (+) View the contents of the selected folder.
Num Lock + minus sign (-) Collapse the selected folder.
Alt + P View the preview panel.
Alt + Enter Open the Properties dialog for the selected item.
Alt + Right arrow View the next folder.
Alt + Up arrow View the folder the folder is in.
Alt + Sol ok View the previous folder.
Backspace View the previous folder.
right arrow Show the current selection (if collapsed) or select the first subfolder.
left arrow Collapse the current selection (if expanded) or select the folder the folder is in.
End Display the bottom of the active window.
Home Display the top of the active window.
F11 Maximize the active window or minimize the active window.

Virtual desktops keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Windows logo key + Tab Open the task view.
Windows logo key + Ctrl + D Add virtual desktop.
Windows logo key + Ctrl + Right arrow Switch between the virtual desktops you created on the right.
Windows logo key + Ctrl + Left arrow Switch between the virtual desktops you created on the left.
Windows logo key + Ctrl + F4 Close the virtual desktop you are using.

Taskbar keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Shift + clicking a taskbar button Open an app or quickly open another instance of the app.
Ctrl + Shift + clicking a taskbar button Open an application as an administrator.
Shift + right click on a taskbar button Show the window menu for the application.
Shift + right click on a grouped taskbar button Show the window menu for the group.
Ctrl + click on grouped taskbar button Navigate between group windows.

Settings keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Windows logo key + I Open the settings.
Backspace Go back to the settings home page.
Type on any page with a search box Search in settings. 

Microsoft Edge keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Ctrl + D Add current site to favorites or reading list
Ctrl + I Open the Favorites pane
Ctrl + J Open the Downloads pane
Ctrl + H Open the History pane
Ctrl + P Print the current page
Ctrl + F
Finding on the page
Alt + C Open Cortana

Ctrl + Shift + R Enter reading view
Ctrl + T Opening a new tab
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopening the last closed tab
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 Close the active tab
Ctrl + K Repeat tab
Ctrl + N Opening a new window
Ctrl + Shift + P Opening a new InPrivate Browsing window
Ctrl + Tab key Switch to next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab key Switch to previous tab
CTRL + 1, 2, 3 vb. Switch to a specific tab number
Ctrl + 9 Switch to last tab
Ctrl + Plus (+) Zoom (25%)
Ctrl + Minus (-) Suspension (25%)
Ctrl + 0 (zero) Reset the zoom level
Backspace or Alt + Left arrow Undo
Alt + Right arrow key Go Forward
F5 or Ctrl+R Refresh the page
Esc Stop loading the page
Ctrl + L or Ctrl + O (letter O) Selecting the URL in the address bar to edit
Ctrl + Shift + L Open an address bar query in a new tab
Ctrl + E Opening a search query in the address bar
Ctrl + Enter Adding www. to the beginning of the text typed in the address bar and .com to the end
Ctrl + click Open link in new tab
Ctrl + Shift + click Opening the link in a new tab and switching to the opened tab
Alt + Shift + click Open link in new window
Ctrl + Shift + M Getting started with creating web notes
Ctrl + Alt + M Copy selected content to a web note
F12 Opening F12 Developer Tools
Ctrl + U View source
F6 Switching between web page content and address bar
F7 Turn on keyboard browsing for the active tab
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Show controls to clear browsing data
While reading a book in Microsoft Edge:
Alt + T Open or close the table of contents
Ctrl + B Turn your bookmarks list on or off
Ctrl + Shift + D Add or remove a bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + O Turn Options on or off
Ctrl + Shift + Y Turn the reading bar on or off
Ctrl + Shift + U Opening Books in Hub
Ctrl + Shift + G Start reading aloud
F11 Turn on full screen reading or exit full screen reading
Left or Up arrow or Page Up key Go to next page
Right or Down arrow or Page Down key Go to previous page
home button Go to the beginning of the book
end key Go to the end of the book
Ctrl + F search in the book
Ctrl + Shift + S Save the book locally (for books not purchased from the Microsoft Store)
Ctrl + G Go to page (when book supports page lists)
Alt + A Open the Notes panel
When reading fixed layout books in Microsoft Edge:
Ctrl + Shift + A Switch between “fit to width” and “fit to page” layout
F8 Switch between one-page and two-page layouts
When reading PDF documents in Microsoft Edge:
Ctrl + G Go to a specific page number
Alt + T Open or close the table of contents
Ctrl + F Search in document
Ctrl + Plus (+) or Ctrl + Minus (-) Zoom in / out
Ctrl + Shift + A Switch between “fit to width” and “fit to page” layout
F8 Switch between one-page and two-page layouts
F9 Rotate PDF
F11 Turn on full screen reading or exit full screen reading
Ctrl + Shift + G Start reading aloud
Ctrl + Shift + M Adding notes to PDF books
Ctrl + Shift + S Saving a copy of the PDF document

Calculator keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Alt + 1 Switch to standard mode
Alt + 2 Switch to scientific fashion
Alt + 3 Switching to programmer mode
Alt + 4 Switch to Date Calculation mode
Ctrl + M storage in memory
Ctrl + P Add to memory
Ctrl + Q Removing from memory
Ctrl + R recall from memory
Ctrl + L Clear memory
Delete Clear current entry (select CE)
Esc Clearing the entry completely (selecting C)
F9  choosing the ± option
R  Choosing 1/x
@ Square root calculation
% select %
Ctrl + H Turn calculation history on or off
up arrow Move up in the history list
down arrow Move down in the history list
Ctrl + Shift + D Clearing the history
F3 Selecting the DEG  option in scientific mode
F4 Selecting the RAD  option in scientific mode
F5 Selecting the GRAD  option in scientific mode
Ctrl + G Selecting the 10x option in scientific mode
Ctrl + O Selecting the cosh  option in scientific mode
Ctrl + S Selecting the sinh  option in scientific mode
Ctrl + T Selecting the tanh  option in scientific mode
Shift + S Selecting the  sin-1 option in scientific mode
Shift + O Selecting the cos-1 option in scientific mode
Shift + T Selecting the  tan-1 option in scientific mode
Ctrl + Y  Selecting the y√x option in scientific mode
D Selecting the Mode  option in scientific mode
THE Selecting the log  option in scientific mode
M Selecting the dms  option in scientific mode
N Selecting the ln  option in scientific mode
Ctrl + N Selecting the ex  option in scientific mode
O Selecting the cos  option in scientific mode
P Selecting the Pi  option in scientific mode
Q Selecting the x2 option in scientific mode
S Selecting the sin  option in scientific mode
T Selecting the diagnosis  option in scientific mode
V Selecting the FE  option in scientific mode
X Selecting the Exp  option in Scientific mode
And, ^ Selecting the xy  option in scientific mode
# Selecting the x3  option in scientific mode
! In scientific mode n!  select the option
% Selecting a mode in Scientific mode or Programmer mode
F2 Selecting DWORD in programmer mode
F3  Selecting WORD in programmer mode
F4 Selecting the BYTE  option in programmer mode
F5 Selecting the HEX  option in programmer mode
F6 Selecting the DEC  option in programmer mode
F7 Selecting the OCT  option in programmer mode
F8 Selecting the Binary option in programmer mode
F12 Selecting the QWORD  option in programmer mode
A-F Selecting the AF  option in programmer mode
J Selecting the RoL  option in programmer mode
TO Selecting the RoR  option in programmer mode
< Choosing the Lsh option in programmer mode
> Selecting the Rsh  option in programmer mode
% Selecting the Mode  option in programmer mode
|  Choosing Or in programmer mode
^ X programmer mode  select the option
~ Selecting the Note  option in programmer mode
& Selecting the And  option in programmer mode
space bar Changing the bit value in programmer mode

Game bar keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Windows logo key + G  Open Game bar when a game is open
Windows logo key  + Alt + G Saving the last 30 seconds
Windows logo key  + Alt + R Start or stop recording
Windows logo key  + Alt + Print Screen Take a screenshot of your game
Windows logo key  + Alt + T Show or hide the recording timer
 Windows logo key  + Alt + M Turn the microphone on or off
 Windows logo key  + Alt + B Start or stop broadcasting
 Windows logo key  + Alt + W Show camera during broadcast

Groove keyboard shortcuts

 press this key  Action to be taken
 Ctrl + P  Play or pause
 Ctrl + F  Skip to next song
 Ctrl + B  Restart current song or skip to previous song
 F9  Volume up
 F8  volume down
 F7  mute sound
 Ctrl + Enter  Selecting an item or entering selection mode
 Ctrl + A  select all
 Delete  Delete the selected item(s)
 Ctrl + Shift + P  Play the selected item
 Ctrl + T  Turn repeat on or off
 Ctrl + H  Turn shuffle on or off
 Ctrl + Q  Call

Maps keyboard shortcuts

 press this key  Action to be taken
arrow keys Panning the map horizontally/vertically in any direction
Ctrl + plus sign or minus sign (+ or -) Enlarge or reduce
Ctrl + Left or Right arrow keys rotation
 Ctrl + Up or Down arrow keys Bending
+ or – keys Zoom in or out in 3D Cities view
Page Up or Page Down Move away or closer in the 3D Cities view
Ctrl + Y Switch between satellite and road views on the map
Ctrl + Home Center the map to your current location
Ctrl + D Get directions
Ctrl + F Call
Ctrl + M Minimize the active tab
Ctrl + P printing
Ctrl + T Show or hide traffic
backspace key go back
Ctrl + H Sharing
Ctrl + L Move focus to map
Ctrl + W Close the active tab
Ctrl + Tab key Switch to next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab (Tab key) Go to previous tab
Ctrl + S Show or hide Streetside
Ctrl + C Copy to clipboard

Movies & TV keyboard shortcuts

 press this key  Action to be taken
Alt + Enter Playing in full screen
Esc Leave in full screen
Enter Selecting an item in focus
space bar
Ctrl + P
Play or pause (when the video is in focus)
Alt + Left arrow key
Windows logo key  + Backspace key
go back
Ctrl + T Turn repeat on or off
F7 mute sound
F8 volume down
F9 Volume up

Paint keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
F11 Viewing the picture in full screen mode
F12 Saving the picture as a new file
Ctrl + A Select the whole picture
Ctrl + B Bold selected text
Ctrl + C Copy the selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl + E  Open the properties dialog
Ctrl + G Show or hide gridlines
Ctrl + I Italicize selected text
Ctrl + N Creating a new image
Ctrl + O Open an existing image
Ctrl + P Print pictures
Ctrl + R Show or hide the ruler
Ctrl + S Save changes to the picture
Ctrl + U Underline selected text
Ctrl + V Paste selection from Clipboard
Ctrl + W Open the Resize and Skew dialog
Ctrl + X Cut selection
Ctrl + Y Redo the change
Ctrl + Z Undo the change
Ctrl + plus (+) Increase the width of the brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl + minus (-) Decrease the width of the brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl + Page Up Magnification
Ctrl + Page Down Reduction
Alt + F4 Closing the picture and the Paint window
right arrow key Move the selection or active shape one pixel to the right
left arrow key Move the selection or active shape left one pixel
down arrow Move the selection or active shape down one pixel
up arrow Move the selection or active shape up one pixel
Shift + F10 Show context menu

Paint 3D keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Ctrl + 0 or 0 on Keypad reset zoom
Ctrl + 3 Switching between views
Ctrl + A Selects all 3D elements in your workspace; repeat the command to switch to selecting all 2D elements
Ctrl + B Bold selected text
Ctrl + C Copy the selected item
Ctrl + Insert Copy the selected item
Ctrl + Shift + C Take a screenshot
Ctrl + E Show canvas properties
Ctrl + Shift + E Show or hide the 3D perspective
Ctrl + G  Grouping objects
Ctrl + Shift + G Ungroup objects
I Open the color dropper
Ctrl + I Italicize selected text
M Minimize or expand the side menu
Ctrl + N Creating a new image or file
Ctrl + O Open an existing picture or file
Ctrl + P 2D printing
Ctrl + S Saving
Ctrl + Shift + S Save as
Ctrl + U Underline selected text
Ctrl + V  Paste the selected item
Shift + Add Paste the selected item
Ctrl + W Choose a canvas
Ctrl + Shift + W Show or hide the canvas
Ctrl + X  Cut selected item
Shift + Delete key Cut selected item
Ctrl + Shift + X 2D cropping
Ctrl + Y  repeating an action
Ctrl + Z Undo an action
Escape Stop or quit the current task
Home Reset the view
PgUp Magnification
Ctrl + PgUp Magnification
PgDn Reduction
Ctrl+PgDn Reduction
Ctrl + mouse wheel Enlarge or reduce
Ctrl + Left Arrow Orbit left
Ctrl + Right Arrow Orbit right
Ctrl + Up arrow Up orbit
Ctrl + Down arrow Orbiting down
Alt + Sol ok swipe left
Alt + Right arrow swipe right
Alt + Up arrow scroll up
Alt + Down  arrow Scroll down
Ctrl + Minus (-) or [ Reducing brush size
Ctrl + Plus (+) or ] Increase brush size
right arrow Move the selection or active shape one pixel to the right
left arrow Move the selection or active shape left one pixel
down arrow Move the selection or active shape down one pixel
up arrow Move the selection or active shape up one pixel
Alt + F4 close the program
F6 Switch between screen elements in a window or desktop
F10 Enabling the Menu bar in the app
Shift + F10 Show context menu
F11 Viewing the picture in full screen mode
F12 Saving the picture as a new file

Photos keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
Space bar (in Collection) Selecting an item and entering Selection mode
Enter (from Selection mode) Selecting an item while in selection mode
Spacebar (viewing a photo) Show or hide commands
Spacebar (viewing a video) Play or pause the video
Arrow keys (in Collection) Scroll up, down, left or right
Left or right arrow keys (in a single item or slideshow) Show next or previous item
Arrow keys (on a zoomed photo) move in the photo
Ctrl + plus or minus (+ or -) Zoom in or out when viewing a photo
Ctrl + 0 Reset magnification on a photo
Esc Returning to the previous screen
Ctrl + S Saving
Ctrl + P printing
Ctrl + C copying
Ctrl + R (view or edit) Photo rotation
E (viewing a photo) photo enhancement
Ctrl + Z (edit) Undo changes
Ctrl + Y (edit) Redo changes
Ctrl + / (edit) View original
Shift + arrow keys Resize crop or selective focus area
Ctrl + arrow keys Move the crop or selective focus area
F5 (while viewing an item) Start a slide show
Alt + Enter View file information
Ctrl + L Set as lock screen
Ctrl + N (in Albums view)  Creating a new album
Ctrl + R (in Albums view)  Album removal
Ctrl + D  Add selected items to album
Ctrl + U  Remove selected items from album

Sound Recorder keyboard shortcuts

 press this key  Action to be taken
 Ctrl + R  Starting a new recording
 Ctrl + M  Adding a new marker text to the record
 Delete  Delete the selected record
 spacebar  Play or pause
 backspace key  Undo
 F2  Rename a record
 Right or Left arrow  Skip forward or backward while playing a recording
 Shift + Right or Left arrow  Jump forward or backward
 home button  Jump to the beginning of the recording
 end key  Jump to the end of the recording

WordPad keyboard shortcuts

press this key Action to be taken
F3  Search for the next instance of text in the Find dialog
F12 Saving the document as a new file
Ctrl + 1 Single line spacing
Ctrl+2 Setting double line spacing
Ctrl + 5 Set line spacing to 1.5
Ctrl + A select all
Ctrl + B Bold selected text
Ctrl + C Copy the selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl + D Add a Microsoft Paint drawing
Ctrl + E Center align text
Ctrl + F Searching for text in a document
Ctrl + H Replace text in a document
Ctrl + I Italicize selected text
Ctrl + J Justify text
Ctrl + L Align text to the left
Ctrl + N Creating a new document
Ctrl + O Opening an existing document
Ctrl + P Print the document
Ctrl + R Right align text
Ctrl + S Save changes in the document
Ctrl + U Underline selected text
Ctrl + V Paste selection from Clipboard
Ctrl + X Cut selection
Ctrl + Y Redo the change
Ctrl + Z Undo the change
Ctrl + equal sign (=) Subscript selected text
Ctrl + Shift + equal sign (=) Superscript selected text
Ctrl + Shift + greater than sign (>) Increasing the font size
Ctrl + Shift + lowercase sign (<) Reducing the font size
Ctrl + Shift + A Change all characters to uppercase
Ctrl + Shift + L Change the bullet style
Ctrl + Left arrow key Move cursor left one word
Ctrl + Right arrow key Move cursor right one word
Ctrl + Up arrow key Move cursor to previous line
Ctrl + Down arrow key Move the cursor to the next line
Ctrl + Home Move to beginning of document
Ctrl + End Move to the end of the document
Ctrl + Page Up Move up one page
Ctrl + Page Down Move down one page
Ctrl + Delete Delete the next word
Alt + F4 Closing WordPad
Shift + F10 Show context menu



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