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keyboard shortcuts macos

keyboard shortcuts macos

Macos keyboard shortcuts, Macos keyboard keys and their meanings are given here




You can perform actions that normally require the use of a mouse, trackpad, or other input device by pressing certain key combinations.

To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and press the shortcut’s end key.For example, to use the Command-C (copy) shortcut, hold down the Command key, press the C key, and then release both keys.Symbols are often used for certain keys, including modifier keys, on Mac menus and keyboards:

Command (or Cmd) ⌘
Shift ⇧
Option (or Alt) ⌥
Control (or Ctrl) ⌃
Caps Lock ⇪

On keyboards made for Windows computers, use the Alt key instead of Option and the Windows logo key instead of Command.

Some keys on some Apple keyboards have special symbols and functions (such as screen brightness, keyboard brightness, Mission Control).If these functions are not available on your keyboard, you can recreate some of them by creating your own keyboard shortcuts.Combine these keys with the Fn key to use them as F1, F2, F3, or other standard function keys.

Cut, copy, paste, and other commonly used shortcuts
Command-X:Cuts theselected item and copies it to the Clipboard.
Command-C: Copies the selected item to the Clipboard.This shortcut also works with files in the Finder.
Command-V: Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current document or application.This shortcut also works with files in the Finder.
Command-Z: Undo the previous command.After that, you can reverse the action with the Undo command by pressing Shift-Command-Z for the Redo command.In some applications, you can undo and redo multiple commands.
Command-A: Selects all items.
Command-F: Finds items in a document or opens the Find window.
Command-G: Finds the next occurrence of the previously found item.Press Shift-Command-G to find the previous occurrence.
Command-H: Hides the windows of the front running application.Press Option-Command-H to hide all other apps and display the front running app.
Command-M: Minimizes the front window to the Dock.Press Option-Command-M to minimize all windows of the front application.
Command-O: Opens the selected item or displays a dialog for selecting a file to open.
Command-P: Prints the current document.
Command-S: Saves the current document.
Command-T: Opens a new tab.
Command-W: Closes the front window.Press Option-Command-W to close all windows of the application.
Option-Command-Esc: Forces an application to quit.
Command-Spacebar: Shows or hides the Spotlight search field.Press Command-Option-Spacebar to perform a Spotlight search from the Finder window.(If you’re using multiple input sources to type in different languages, these shortcuts change the input sources instead of showing Spotlight. Learn how to replace a conflicting keyboard shortcut.)
Control-Command-Spacebar: Shows the Character Viewer where you can select emoji and other symbols.
Control-Command-F: Puts the application in full screen mode if supported by the application.
Spacebar: Lets you use the Browse feature to preview the selected item.
Command-Tab: Switches to the next most recently used application among your open applications.
Shift-Command-5: Takes a screenshot or records a screen in macOS Mojave.In earlier macOS versions, you can use Shift-Command-3 or Shift-Command-4 to take a picture of the screen.
Shift-Command-N: Creates a new folder in Finder.
Command-Comma (,): Opens the preferences window of the front application.

Shortcuts for sleep, logoff, and shutdown

You may need to hold down some of these shortcuts a little longer than other shortcuts.This helps prevent you from using these shortcuts unknowingly.

Power button: Press to turn on or wake your Mac from sleep.Press and hold for 1.5 seconds to put your Mac to sleep.* Keep holding to force your Mac to shut down.
Option-Command-Power button* or Option-Command-Eject Media: Puts your Mac to sleep.
Control-Shift-Power button* or Control-Shift-Media Eject : Puts your screen to sleep.
Control-Power button* or Eject Control-Media : Displays a dialog asking if you want to reboot, sleep or shut down.
Control-Command-Power button:* Forces your Mac to restart without prompting to save your open and unsaved documents.
Eject Control-Command-Environment: Quits all applications and restarts your Mac.If there are unsaved changes in open documents, you are prompted to save them.
Control-Option-Command-Power button* or Control-Option-Command-Eject Media: Quits all applications and shuts down your Mac.If there are unsaved changes in open documents, you are prompted to save them.
Shift-Command-Q: Logs out of your macOS user account.You will be prompted to confirm the action.If you want to log out immediately without confirming, press Option-Shift-Command-Q.

* Not applicable for Touch ID sensor.

Finder and system shortcuts
Command-D: Duplicates selected files.
Command-E: Ejects the selected disk or partition.
Command-F: Starts a Spotlight search in the Finder window.
Command-I: Displays the Get Info window for a selected file.
Command-R: (1) When selecting an alias in Finder, it will show the original file for the selected rima.(2) Refreshes or reloads the page in some applications such as Calendar or Safari.(3) Rechecks for software updates in Software Update preferences.
Shift-Command-C: Opens the Computer window.
Shift-Command-D: Opens the Desktop folder.
Shift-Command-F: Opens the Recents window, showing all files you’ve recently viewed or changed.
Shift-Command-G: Opens the Go to Folder window.
Shift-Command-H: Opens the current macOS user’s Home folder.
Shift-Command-I: Opens iCloud Drive.
Shift-Command-K: Opens the Network window.
Option-Command-L: Opens the Downloads folder.
Shift-Command-N: Creates a new folder.
Shift-Command-O: Opens the Documents folder.
Shift-Command-P: Shows or hides the Preview section in Finder windows.
Shift-Command-R: Opens the AirDrop window.
Shift-Command-T: Shows or hides the tab bar in Finder windows.
Control-Shift-Command-T: Adds the selected Finder item to the Dock (OS X Mavericks or later)
Shift-Command-U: Opens the Utilities folder.
Option-Command-D: Show or hide the Dock.
Control-Command-T: Adds the selected item to the sidebar (OS X Mavericks or later).
Option-Command-P: Hides or shows the path bar in Finder windows.
Option-Command-S: Hides or shows Sidebar in Finder windows.
Command-Slash (/): Hides or shows the status bar in Finder windows.
Command-J: Displays Display Options.
Command-K: Opens the Connect to Server window.
Command-L: Creates an alias for the selected item.
Command-N: Opens a new Finder window.
Option-Command-N: Creates a new Smart Folder.
Command-T: Shows or hides the tab bar when only one tab is open in the current Finder window.
Option-Command-T: Shows or hides the toolbar when only one tab is open in the current Finder window.
Option-Command-V: Move: Moves files in the clipboard from their original location to their current location.
Command-Y: Uses Browse to preview the selected files.
Option-Command-Y: Displays the Browse slideshow of the selected files.
Command-1: Displays items in the Finder window as icons.
Command-2: Displays the items in the Finder window as a list.
Command-3: Displays items in the Finder window as columns.
Command-4: Displays items in Finder window with Cover Flow.
Command-Left Bracket ([): Goes to the previous folder.
Command-Right Bracket (]): Goes to the next folder.
Command-Up Arrow: Opens the folder containing the current folder.
Command-Control-Up Arrow: Opens the folder containing the current folder in a new window.
Command-Down Arrow: Opens the selected item.
Right Arrow: Opens the selected folder.This function only works in list view.
Left Arrow: Closes the selected folder.This function only works in list view.
Command-Delete: Moves the selected item to the Trash.
Shift-Command-Delete: Empties the Trash.
Option-Shift-Command-Delete: Empties the Trash without showing a confirmation dialog.
Command-Brightness Increase: Turns target screen mode on or off.
Command-Brightness Down: Turns video mirroring on or off when multiple displays are connected to your Mac.
Option-Increase Brightness: Opens display preferences.Both Brightness keys function the same.
Control-Brightness Up or Control-Brightness Down: Changes the brightness of your external display if supported by your display.
Option-Shift-Brightness Up or Option-Shift-Brightness Down: Adjusts the screen brightness in smaller steps.Add the Control key to this shortcut to make adjustments to your external display, if supported by your display.
Option-Mission Control: Opens Mission Control preferences.
Command-Mission Control: Shows the desktop.
Control-Down Arrow: Shows all windows of the frontmost application.
Option-Turn On Sound: Opens the sound preferences.Both Volume keys perform the same function.
Option-Shift-Volume Up or Option-Shift-Volume Down: Adjusts the volume in smaller steps.
Option-Increase Keyboard Brightness: Opens keyboard preferences.Both Keyboard Brightness keys function the same.
Option-Shift-Increase Keyboard Brightness or Option-Shift-Decrease Keyboard Brightness: Adjusts the keyboard brightness in smaller steps.
Option key while double-clicking: Opens the item in a separate window, then closes the actual window.
Command key when double-clicking: Opens a folder in a separate tab or window.
Command key when dragging to another volume: Moves the dragged item to another volume instead of copying it.
Option key while dragging: Copies the item being dragged.The cursor changes as you drag the item.
Option-Command while Dragging: Creates an alias for the item being dragged.The pointer changes as you drag the item.
Clicking the option-disclosure triangle: Opens all folders in the selected folder.This function only works in list view.
Clicking the command-window title: Shows the folders containing the current folder.
Learn how to use the Command or Shift key to select multiple items in the Finder.
Click the Go menu in the Finder menu bar to see shortcuts used to open many frequently used apps, such as Apps, Documents, Downloads, Utilities, and iCloud Drive.

Document shortcuts

The behavior of these shortcuts may vary depending on the application you are using.

Command-B: Makes the selected text bold, or turns the bold feature on or off.
Command-I: Italicizes the selected text or turns italic on or off.
Command-K: Adds a web link.
Command-U: Underline the selected text or turn the underline feature on or off.
Command-T: Shows or hides the Fonts window.
Command-D: Selects the Desktop folder in the Open or Save dialogs.
Control-Command-D: Shows or hides the definition of a selected word.
Shift-Command-Colon (:): Displays the Spelling and Grammar window.
Command-Semicolon (;): Finds misspelled words in the document.
Option-Delete: Deletes the word to the left of the insertion point.
Control-H: Deletes the character to the left of the insertion point.You can also use the delete key.
Control-D: Deletes the character to the right of the insertion point.You can also use the Fn-Delete keys.
Fn-Delete: Forward deletes on keyboards without the Forward Delete key.You can also use Control-D keys.
Control-K: Deletes the text between the insertion point and the end of the line or paragraph.
Fn-Up Arrow: Scrolls up one page.
Fn-Down Arrow: Scrolls down one page.
Fn-Left Arrow: Scrolls to the beginning of the document.
Fn-Right Arrow: Scrolls to the end of the document.
Command-Up Arrow: Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the document.
Command-Down Arrow: Moves the insertion point to the end of the document.
Command-Left Arrow: Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line.
Command-Right Arrow: Moves the insertion point to the end of the current line.
Option-Left Arrow: Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.
Option-Right Arrow: Moves the insertion point to the end of the next word.
Shift-Command-Up Arrow: Selects the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the document.
Shift-Command-Down Arrow: Selects the text between the insertion point and the end of the document.
Shift-Command-Left Arrow: Selects the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line.
Shift-Command-Right Arrow: Selects the text between the insertion point and the end of the current line.
Shift-Up Arrow: Extends the text selection to the nearest character in the same vertical position in the line above.
Shift-Down Arrow: Extends the text selection to the nearest character in the same vertical position in the following line.
Shift-Left Arrow: Extends the text selection one character to the left.
Shift-Right Arrow: Extends the text selection one character to the right.
Option-Shift-Up Arrow: Extends the text selection to the beginning of the current paragraph, if pressed again, to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Option-Shift-Down Arrow: Extends the text selection to the end of the current paragraph, to the end of the next paragraph if pressed again.
Option-Shift-Left Arrow: Extends the text selection to the beginning of the current word, if pressed again, to the beginning of the previous word.
Option-Shift-Right Arrow: Extends text selection to the end of the current word, or to the end of the next word if pressed again.
Control-A: Goes to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
Control-E: Moves to the end of the line or paragraph.
Control-F: Moves forward one character.
Control-B: Goes back one character.
Control-L: Centers the cursor or selection in the visible area.
Control-P: Moves up one line.
Control-N: Goes down one line.
Control-O: Inserts a new line after the insertion point.
Control-T: Swaps the character behind the insertion point with the character in front of it.
Command-Left Brace ({): Aligns to the left.
Command-Right Brace (}): Aligns right.
Shift-Command-Vertical bar (|): Center aligns.
Option-Command-F: Goes to the search field.
Option-Command-T: Show or hide a toolbar in the application.
Option-Command-C: Copies the selected item’s formatting settings to the Clipboard.
Option-Command-V: Applies the copied style to the selected item.
Option-Shift-Command-V: Applies the style of the content around the element to the element pasted into the content.
Option-Command-I: Shows or hides the Inspector window.
Shift-Command-P: Displays a window for you to select document settings.
Shift-Command-S: Displays the Save As dialog or duplicates the current document.
Shift-Command-Minus sign (-): Reduces the size of the selected item.
Shift-Command-Plus sign (+): Increases the size of the selected item.Command-Equals sign (=) does the same.
Shift-Command-Question mark (?): Opens the Help menu.

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